Chart of Accounts Examples, Template, and Tips


example of chart of accounts

While the chart of accounts can be similar across businesses in similar industries, you should create a chart of accounts that is unique to your individual business. You should ask yourself, what do I want to track in my business and how do I want to organize this information? For example, we often suggest our clients break down their sales by revenue stream rather than just lumping all sales in a Revenue category. By doing so, you can easily understand what products or services are generating the most revenue in your business. If you create too many categories in your chart of account, you can make your entire financial reports difficult to read and analyze.

example of chart of accounts

The truth is, you can organize your chart of accounts however you’d like. For example, if you’re a property manager, investor, or landlord, you can download our free property management chart of accounts template. And, within something like bank accounts are the different bank accounts your business has.

Make use of modern accounting software

Revenue and expense accounts are listed next and make up the income statement, which provides insight into a business’s profitability over time. There are five main account type categories that all transactions can fall into on a standard COA. These are asset accounts, liability accounts, equity accounts, revenue accounts, and expense accounts. If necessary, you may include additional categories that are relevant to your business.

  • We’ll go into greater detail in a bit but, for the time being, just remember that you have a large degree of flexibility when it comes to building your COA and tailoring it to your specific needs.
  • Chartered accountant Michael Brown is the founder and CEO of Double Entry Bookkeeping.
  • There’s nothing special about the balance sheet accounts you use within your COA since they flow into the balance sheet you already know and love.
  • Emma’s 70-person geographically distributed accounting team improved internal controls and streamlined the audit thanks to FloQast.
  • Every company is different so, depending on your operations, industry, and other critical factors, the template is only as good as you make it.
  • It also helps with recording transactions and organizing them by the accounts they affect to help keep the finances organized.

The COA is intricately linked to an organization’s financial statements, as it provides the

aggregate data necessary to create them. Each one of the accounts in your COA will

show up in your financial statements, and the COA directs where they should appear,

i.e., whether they should be in the balance sheet or income statement. If not set up

properly, subsequent financial statements will be rife with errors and misinformation. Keeping an updated COA on hand will provide a good overview of your business’s financial health in a sharable format you can send to potential investors and shareholders. It also helps your accounting team keep track of financial statements, monitor financial performance, and see where the money comes from and goes, making it an important piece for financial reporting.

Chart of accounts

A chart of accounts lists down all accounts used by an entity in its accounting system. The accounts included in the chart of accounts must be used consistently to prevent clerical or technical errors in the accounting system. This content is for information purposes only and should not be considered legal, accounting, or tax advice, 11 revenue models, examples & tips for startups to pick the right one or a substitute for obtaining such advice specific to your business. No assurance is given that the information is comprehensive in its coverage or that it is suitable in dealing with a customer’s particular situation. Intuit Inc. does not have any responsibility for updating or revising any information presented herein.

Most new owners start with one or two broad categories, like “sales” and “services.” While some types of income are easy and cheap to generate, others require considerable effort, time, and expense. It may make sense to create separate line items in your chart of accounts for different types of income. In this sample chart of accounts template the sub-group column divides each group into the categories shown in the listings below. The purpose of the sub-group is to categorize each account into classifications that you might need to present the balance sheet and income statement in accounting reports. The exact layout of the accounting chart of accounts is a matter of choice depending on the exact reporting requirements of the business. The important point to remember is not to over complicate the chart of accounts.

Create business account names

Quickbooks chart of accounts template excel 6 month will help you show all the financial transactions between you and your client. You can display an account summary with the customer’s previous balance, current charges, due date, and credits. With these templates, you can prepare your company’s balance and collect all the important information about sales, the amount of money invested, and purchases. Below you can find a basic quickbooks chart of accounts template excel list for download. Of the many things to consider during a business transaction and integration, the GL accounting systems and charts of accounts should be near the top of the list. Ideally, the enterprises involved will adopt a standardized COA to streamline the integration, booking revenue and expenses to similar accounts.

  • Small businesses commonly use three-digit numbers, while large businesses use four-digit numbers to allow room for additional numbers as the business grows.
  • Harold Averkamp (CPA, MBA) has worked as a university accounting instructor, accountant, and consultant for more than 25 years.
  • There is no agreed-upon chart of account structure or number of accounts.
  • Learn how to optimize existing processes, collaborate efficiently, and provide more value to your organization.


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