33 Must Know Data Analysts SQL Interview Questions and Answers


As you put together a portfolio, you may also complete some independent projects where you find and analyse a data set. Simply put, a BA is someone who analyzes a variety of business processes for a company. Business analysts also deal with the quality of data in information systems, reporting of information, and the development and maintenance of analytical tools.

The method used to enter data from higher to the lower normal form of the database is known as DeNormalization. We can bring up redundancy into a table by integrating data from the relative table by DeNormalization. First, Launch the SQL Server Management Studio and from the Object Explorer window interface, right-click on Databases and click on Restore. The INTERSECT operator is used to go back rows back to use each of the queries.

General Data Analyst Interview Questions

You don’t want to pull all the data into a Pandas or R dataframe, and crash your laptop, when you can efficiently shape and filter datasets thanks to SQL. For example, you can pivot data from a horizontal format to a vertical format, or from a columnar format to a row-based format. Write a query to get the total two-day rolling average for sales by day. If the current row is customer_id 3 (Joe Bloggs), a lag function would return customer_id 2 (Jane Doe), while a lead function would return customer_id 4 (Sarah Connor).

  • With a bit of advanced preparation, you can walk into your data analyst interview feeling calm and confident.
  • This is a common SQL interview question that is designed to assess your real-world experience with the language.
  • While the skills which companies require differs from industry to industry and company to company, being proficient in SQL is typically mandatory.
  • Not only do technical screenings take one of three formats, the questions you’ll typically answer during this portion of the video fall into three broad categories.
  • A Gantt chart in Tableau depicts the progress of value over the period, i.e., it shows the duration of events.
  • See if you can incorporate some of the skills and requirements listed.
  • Window functions are a type of SQL function that return a value for each row in the query result, based on values from other rows in the same result.

If you think a career as a data analyst could be a good fit for you, start building the skills you need for an entry-level role with a Professional Certificate from Coursera. Mention software solutions you’ve used for various stages of the data analysis process. If you get asked the negative version of the question (least successful or most challenging project), be honest as you focus your answer on lessons learned. Identify what went wrong—maybe your data was incomplete or your sample size was too small—and talk about what you’d do differently in the future to correct the error.

SQL Interview Coding Questions for Data Analysts and Data Scientists

Since it’s such a critical skill, it’s common for data analyst interviews to include a SQL technical screening. This portion of the interview tasks you with solving real-world problems using SQL. While you may be asked some definitional questions more typical of a standard interview, the real point here is for the interviewer to verify that you can use SQL, not just talk about it. This is one of the most frequently asked data analyst interview questions, and the interviewer expects you to give a detailed answer here, and not just the name of the methods. SQL interview questions for data analysts are always accompanied by questions based on SQL queries.

sql interview questions and answers for data analyst

A LEFT JOIN includes all records from the left table and matched rows from the right. A RIGHT JOIN returns all rows from the right table and unmatched rows from the left. The GROUP BY clause enables us to compute aggregate values alongside discrete data by collapsing the distinct rows of our database into summary rows that share a particular characteristic. Queries like SELECT queries, which are frequently used to fetch a data set from a database, can be recorded as a Stored Procedure. The SQL query saved within the Stored Procedure is executed when the Stored Procedure is called.

Q35. What will be the SQL query to upper case the name of the employee and lower case the city values in a given table?

For example, a customers table might have a one-to-many relationship with an orders table, where each customer is related to multiple orders. A correlated subquery is a type of SQL query that contains a reference to a value from outer query. Correlated subqueries are typically used when you want to find rows from a table that match certain conditions, but you can only know those conditions after examining other rows in the same table. Some of the most common SQL functions are SUM(), AVG(), COUNT(), MIN(), and MAX(). These functions are used to calculate aggregated values, such as sums, averages, or counts. A subquery is a SQL query that is embedded within another SQL query.

If you get asked the negative version of the question (least successful or most challenging project), be honest as you focus your answer on lessons learnt. Identify what went wrong—maybe your data was incomplete, or your sample size was too small—and talk about what you’d do differently in the future to correct the error. One of the best ways to prepare for your SQL interview is to practice writing queries in SQL. For some hands-on practice to help prepare you for your screening, consider these Guided Projects that you can complete in less than two hours.


Primary keys must contain unique values, and they cannot be NULL. SQL, or Structured Query Language, is a standard programming language for accessing https://wizardsdev.com/en/vacancy/sql-and-data-analyst-bi-analyst/ and manipulating databases. SQL is renowned for its simple yet powerful syntax, which makes it easy to query data in a variety of ways.

sql interview questions and answers for data analyst

Subqueries are often used to find data that satisfies certain conditions; for example, you could use a subquery to find all customers who live in the same city as a particular customer. Subqueries can be used with various SQL commands, including SELECT, FROM, WHERE, and ORDER BY. This helps you focus on the data that matters so you’re not distracted by the data irrelevant to the query.

Should I learn SQL or Python first? ‎

This question tests your data sense, as well as your SQL writing skills. If you were to attempt to formulate a query selecting a number of rows with a WHERE clause, and then display an aggregate value alongside, you would find that the query would return an error. This is because SQL is not able to display, in a single table, the results of our WHERE query as a list of values conjoined with the aggregate value you are looking for. Data analysts need to focus on joins in SQL since most data analysis tasks involve working with SQL Joins.

sql interview questions and answers for data analyst

For live whiteboard SQL interviews, an interviewer is hovering over you, which further adds to the tension. Finally, for live SQL screens, you’re expected to verbalize your thought process to the interviewer, which can make SQL interviews even more stressful. With the fundamental SQL commands and database concepts out of the way, let’s take a high-level approach to solving SQL interview questions. For example the window function ranks selected rows in ascending order, but resets the ranks for each window. To demo this, let’s analyze data from a real Google SQL Interview Question.


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